Ransom Note

Students are getting very serious about getting into the creative industry these days. We've just been sent a ransom note by Hannah and Adam, a creative team from Preston.

They will only give us the contact for Guy our old favourite tutor, who we lost contact with, if we give them a list of contacts in the industry!!

Blackmailing creatives is an 'interesting' way of getting into the industry...but we like it!

Quick thinking like this will definitely get you noticed. After all, there's no point having a great portfolio if no-one sees it. Your self promotion has to be as good as your work and needs to have time and effort dedicated to it.

In fact, Friday's One Minute Brief of the Day was to Advertise Yourself. The results were fantastic. Check the entries out here. http://oneminutebriefs.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/one-minute-brief-advertise-yourself.html

What do you do to promote yourself? Tweet us at @BOC_ATM
