Shocking Status of Society

Facebook is dying. Are you surprised? What was the last status you wrote?

Was it of any use to anyone anywhere? There may be some exceptions but I bet most of them are pointless, useless. Perhaps about what you're having for tea of the fact you are tired and that you might have an early night.

No one gives a fuck. People are getting bored of reading the constant drivel that clutters up news feeds everyday. James has deleted his account as it is a total waste of time and I'm on the verge.

Facebook is a great place to share things quickly between friends but please stop sharing that you've got a spot or that you 'might' go shopping today. Bore off.

In the next couple of minutes I will go through my news feed and show you what I mean below in the following statuses...

'Full and Tired'

'Just dropped the wrong side of the fork in my gravy'

'Would love a brew right about now'

'Sat waiting for my man'

'My gum is sore'

And that is just a very small selection from today. Maybe it's not Facebook that's the problem. Maybe it's the people writing utterly pointless Statuses?

Why are people compelled to tell the world that they have just eaten a Curly Wurly?

In fact, we made a Twitter account with our friend Sarah Townsend to celebrate the wonderful world of Pointless Statuses

We don't get much chance to update it these days but there are loads of shockers to have a look at. time you go to write your status. Think. Will anyone give a shit?

Anyway I'm off to eat that Curly Wurly.
