Favorites vs. Retweets on Twitter.

To start with, it's annoying that 'Favorite' is spelt like that on Twitter anyway, we spell it 'Favourite' here. That shit makes me angry!

The thing I will question in this post is the way a 'favorite' is used as opposed to a 're-tweet' on Twitter.

I tweeted the question a couple of weeks back on whether our followers use it as an archiving tool for their favorite tweets that they can look back on or if they use it very much in the same was as a Facebook 'Like'.

Only a couple of people used it to archive which is what it should be used for. The rest say they use it as a 'like' and a way of appreciating the tweet.

Favorites don't work like this. This is what re-tweets are for!!!! A favorite is only seen by the person who made the tweet and it does absolutely nothing for anyone apart from the person favoriting.

A retweet shows appreciation and shares what you have to say.

So stop favoriting and start re-tweeting stuff if you like it. Or do both if you want to read it again in the future. Favoriting is a selfish tool as it only helps you. Yet people think it can be used as a 'like'. It can't.

Anyway, there's my little opinion on favourites vs. re-tweets. I'm about to put this blog post on Twitter. Would love if you could favorite it!


  1. Yep, this is soooo true. I have been saying the same thing for Months, but you have articulated my sentiments on this topic perfectly. Sometimes I wish I could throw Twitter Favorites back in the water the way fishermen throw puny fish back in the water.


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