Snapchat Silliness

Snapchat is a new way to share moments with friends. Snap an ugly selfie or a video, add a caption, and send it to a friend (or maybe a few). They'll receive it, laugh, and then the snap disappears.

The image might be a little grainy, and you may not look your best, but that's the point. It's about the moment, a connection between friends, and not just a pretty picture.

The allure of fleeting messages reminds us about the beauty of friendship - we don't need a reason to stay in touch.

Give it a try. Add nikibwana and clancy_man to Snapchat us.

These two advertising students, Robert and Brendan, from Salford did...

... and they've been sending us random shit ever since. Including pranks on each other and 'trying' to take the piss out of me and James. The banter has been hilarious. And then they show up at the Roses Creative Awards and I noticed them straight away.

So does this prove that to get noticed by people in the creative industry you should send pics and videos  of them with cocks coming out of their heads? We think so. Because it's different. We haven't seen their work yet but we know it will be good because they like being creative idiots just like us.

Below is a Snapchat I sent to them. I like to keep their business card as spare toilet paper.

So the main reason of this post is to tell you how funny Snapchat can be and how it can be used creatively. Remember to add us on nikibwana and clancy_man to Snapchat us. Peace.
